Tuesday 5 October 2010

Just lately..

Just a few things I have been up to lately!

Firstly, I decided to treat myself to this lovely bundle of fabric from fabric worm the colour combination just caught my eye instantly and I knew I had to have it..

At the time I had no Idea what for until at my local group the topic of our next exhibition came up! We have a list of 9 challenges, one of which is a stay-at-home mystery quilt, we start with a 12" block, and each month we get a new border to add, for example, the first one was half square triangles, you can make them as big/small as you like and you can add borders to one side, two sides or all sides, whatever you want. You can also add sashing in between borders if you would like. So here is a quick pic of mine so far... I have made the triangles, they just need squaring up and adding with some sashing..!

We have had a new border assigned, which is flying geese, oh and we will have another new one at tomorrow's meeting, so I am a little behind.. But as somebody declared last week, 'Oh another new border, well I haven't even started mine yet' I think that I'm doing ok :-)

Also for our round robin within the group, here is a picture of the blocks I have made for my first partner! The theme is stars, so these are some simple machine appliqued star blocks.

And lastly, here is a sneak peek of my finished piece from a Sheena Norquay workshop I did for my birthday a couple of weeks ago. It was brilliant, and Sheena is so inspiring, her work is truly amazing. I will post some better pictures soon...

Thanks and enjoy, Kellye xxx

1 comment:

  1. The design of your quilt is very good. Which looks more beautiful with colors.
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